Patty Bezzio, 1945 - 1998
Senior, Class of '63 Richland Bomber
Friday, December 1, 2000 (Gilbert, Arizona)
A private memorial ceremony was held today at Picacho Peak,
located near the Pearl Harbor Memorial Highway between
Casa Grande and Tucson, Arizona, in loving memory of
Patty Bezzio, Col-Hi class of 1963.
Attending was a single mourner, David Douglas. He was
Patty’s first date, they shared together their first
romantic kiss, and he has always considered her his high
school sweetheart and the first genuine love of his life.
Following the reading of verses from Psalm 51, a prayer of
confession and petition for forgiveness, a dozen blue
balloons (to remind her of his eyes) were released into a
blue and white misty Arizona sky.

The service concluded with music, ‘Seemann, deine Heimat
ist das Meer’ by Lolita, their favorite song
commemorating their meeting in German class. A single long
stemmed red rose was left at the site.”

Pictures from the 1962 Columbian
LEFT: Vice President of Quill & Scroll; RIGHT: Thespians
Pictures from the 1963 Columbian
LEFT: National Honor Society; CENTER: Quill & Scroll; RIGHT: Thespians